What is the ONE thing that you can do to improve your health?

What is the ONE thing you could do to improve your health in the next few weeks? Think about it, write it down, commit to doing one thing for yourself. Small steps create big impacts. Remember that health is a journey, not a destination and it's important to enjoy the ride!
I'm sure you already have something in mind, one thing that first springs to mind when you think about improving your health. But in case you're not sure where to start, here are some ideas: (And remember that no one of these is more important than another, it doesn't matter where you start, there's no right or wrong!)

EATING Sit down at the table for meals. Take time to slow down when you eat to support digestion and mindfulness. Add one more vegetable. When building meals, think of creative ways to add one more vegetable on your plate first. Aim to do this for e…

Sit down at the table for meals. Take time to slow down when you eat to support digestion and mindfulness.
Add one more vegetable. When building meals, think of creative ways to add one more vegetable on your plate first. Aim to do this for every meal to increase your vegetable intake.
Carry a water bottle. If you have water on hand, you’re more likely to drink it.

MOVEMENT Aim to walk at least 10 minutes a day. Keep the goal easy in order to achieve it, then increase it when you’re ready. Fit it in. Look for small opportunities to squeeze more movement into your day. Take the stairs rather than the elevator, …

Aim to walk at least 10 minutes a day. Keep the goal easy in order to achieve it, then increase it when you’re ready.
Fit it in. Look for small opportunities to squeeze more movement into your day. Take the stairs rather than the elevator, get off the bus or tube one stop early, or park farther away from your destination.
Sign up for something new. Challenge yourself to try a new activity. You don’t have to ever do it again if you don’t enjoy it, but you might surprise yourself and find a new hobby you love.

HOME PRACTICES Turn off electronics early. Aim to turn off all electronics – phone, computer, TV – at least 30 minutes before bed to promote a more restful sleep. Sleep with your phone out the room. Make your bed every morning. Do it as soon as you …

Turn off electronics early. Aim to turn off all electronics – phone, computer, TV – at least 30 minutes before bed to promote a more restful sleep. Sleep with your phone out the room.
Make your bed every morning. Do it as soon as you get out of bed. This is a very simple way to start the day in a positive, proactive way.
Organise your work space. Keeping your space organised can increase productivity and make work more enjoyable. Spend five minutes each day organising until the space is to your liking.

MIND-SET Take a beat. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, force yourself to stop and take a few deep breaths and/or drink some water. Say a daily affirmation. Write down an empowering statement and put it where you’ll see it every day. Say the af…

Take a beat. When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, force yourself to stop and take a few deep breaths and/or drink some water.
Say a daily affirmation. Write down an empowering statement and put it where you’ll see it every day. Say the affirmation every morning and/or evening.
Replace “should” with “could.” When negative self-talk arises, flip the “should” to “could.” Choose to empower yourself rather than put yourself down.

RELATIONSHIPS Listen fully. Give people your full attention and practice listening more than you speak. Share your day. At the end of each day, choose someone close to you and spend a few minutes exchanging stories about your days. Lend a hand. Whet…

Listen fully. Give people your full attention and practice listening more than you speak.
Share your day. At the end of each day, choose someone close to you and spend a few minutes exchanging stories about your days.
Lend a hand. Whether it’s volunteering or helping someone cross the street, aim to help at least one person each day. Even small offerings are significant.

For more ideas on how to improve your health, sign up to my monthly newsletter below and follow me on Instagram.

Are you curious about how to harmonise your health goals? How to fit wellness into your busy schedule? Let’s talk! Email me to schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today—or pass this offer on to someone you care about!


Food For Thought